• The National Cell phone programme:

    Let's build citizen owned cellphone repairers and create jobs in our local communities.

    This containers’ campaign is funded by Wholesale and retail SETA (W&RSETA). The project delivery is supported by SAMDDRA partners.

Priority is given to youth, women and persons with disabilities.

We are enrolling individuals that will preferably start their own cell phone businesses.

To apply, prepare a copy of ID, relevant qualifications in electronics or mobile devices repairs, ownership proof of a registered company, proof of residence from the selected area (an Affidavit from police, councillor or commissioner of oath is accepted) and proof of an available business site where the container will be placed.

Who can apply?

Any South African citizen can apply for access to an operational business container with tools within existing conditions.

Any advantage ?

Strong advantage for candidates that attended a Cell phone or Mobile device repair training from SAMDDRA or member/partner.

Seda advantage ?

This is advantageous to candidates that are either Seda client or attended a Seda business/entrepreneurial skills training or similar.

Sponsors & Partners

Programme brought to you in partnership with: